NASDAQ: INTC - Open Letter to Intel Corp. Board of Directors and Intel Corp Shareholders to DISCLOSE Massive Fraud YOU Will Pay For.

Intel Corp. Executives have Been Hiding a Very Big Secret from Intel Corp.'s Board of Directors, and Intel Corp.'s Shareholders for Over a Decade Now.

Intel Corp. is involved in a Stolen Technology Scandal over the IViewit Technologies, and Intel Corp. CEO Paul Otellini has been covering it up. Then General Counsel Bruce Sewell also covered up this Massive Proven Fraud. This is FACT, there are Links in this Letter to Prove it.

For over a Decade the Corruption in Courts, Law Firms and in Government Agencies have Covered for Intel Corp Executives.

However, those days are over Now. And when it is time to pay the Iviewit TechnologyInventors for their Invention USED by Intel Corp. for Over a Decade, well it will be the Intel Corp. Shareholders and Intel Corp Board of Directors that pays for the Crimes and Cover Ups of the Intel Corp Executives.

Intel Corp has been Named in an SEC Complaint over the Stolen Iviewit Technology

Intel Corp. Has also been named in a 12 Trillion Dollar Federal RICO Lawsuit over the Stolen Iviewit Technology.


Jane E. Shaw, Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky,Wilmer Cutler Pickering, Susan L. Decker,
John J. Donahoe,Reed E. Hundt, James D. Plummer, John M. Fluke, Frederick E. Terman,David S. Pottruck, Frank D. Yeary, Vice Chancellor, David B. Yoffie, Max and Doris Starr.

This Open Letter Will Go to ALL Intel Corp. Board of Directors, Shareholders, Insurance Carriers and ALL Government Agencies Involved to serve as YET another Warning of what will happen to Intel Corp. Shareholders. Just as in the Madoff Scandal, they CANNOT Say they Did Not Know. There is a Whole lot of Fact, Proof that they Did Know and DO Know RIGHT NOW.

Please Forward this Letter to ALL Intel Corp. Investors, Shareholders, Directors, Executives that You Know of. This is a VERY Big Deal Financially. It is NOT a Hoax, Look at the Fact yourself and Warn Others.

The Stolen Iviewit Technology will Cost Intel Corp. Investors, Shareholders Billions. CEO Paul Otellini of Intel Corp. KNOWS of this Massive Shareholder and is NOT Disclosing to Intel Corps. Board of Directors, Shareholders or Insurance Carriers.

It is Your Money, You Have a Right to Know that Billions will be Paid By Intel Corp. in theIviewit Technology Theft. It is not a Matter of IF, the Proof is ALL there. It is a Matter of When.

Here is Proof that Intel Corps. CEO Paul Otellini and then Intel Corp. General Counsel Bruce Sewell knew of the Stolen Iviewit Technology and have Yet to Disclose to Intel Corps. Board of Directors, Shareholders or Insurance Carriers to this day.

For More information on the iViewit Stolen Technology Go To

More Links and Resources to Intel's Involvement in a 13 Trillion Dollar Technology Theft

More Proof on Intel Corp. Cover Ups

SEC Galleon, Intel Capital Complaint Click Here

Click Below For FTC Investigators Reports on MORE Cover Ups by Intel Corp.

Bruce Sewell, then Intel Corp General Counsel Now the
General Counsel at APPLE

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Please Share EVERYWHERE you Think it Will Help to STOP Intel Corp Executive from Hiding Mass Shareholder Fraud, and to Protect Shareholders and Inventors RIGHTS.

Philip Falcone, LightSquared Nationwide LTE Broadband Network - Open Wireless Broadband Network

"Nationwide LTE Broadband Network.

LightSquared will offer reliable and comprehensive nationwide 4G-LTE wireless broadband coverage.

Currently networks in the U.S. are struggling with a lack of capacity and the ability to quickly and reliably supply voice and data services to their customers.

LightSquared is addressing this problem by building a best-in-class network with ubiquitous satellite coverage.

Network roll-out.

LightSquared is anticipating commercial launch in the second half of 2011. The network will provide nationwide services from its commercial launch date through satellite coverage and roaming partnerships, as it continues to extend its footprint.

LightSquared expects its partners will begin launching LightSquared-enabled products during the second half of 2011. Per its commitment to supporting the National FCC Broadband Plan, it will cover at least 100 million Americans by December 31, 2012; 145 million by the end of 2013; and 260 million by the end of 2015.

LightSquared-enabled devices including data cards, embedded modules, personal hotspots, and routers will launch during the second half of 2011.

By 2012, LightSquared’s service will expand to include Smartphones and other innovative next generation devices.

Network deployment partner = Nokia Siemens Networks

In September 2010, LightSquared disclosed that both the Nokia Siemens Networks, a leading supplier of telecommunications equipment and services, and the LightSquared boards of directors approved the 8-year, $7 billion agreement for Nokia Siemens Networks to deploy, install, operate and maintain the LightSquared nationwide network.

The agreement, the largest of its kind for the U.S. wireless industry, was first announced on July 20, 2010.

The nationwide LightSquared network, consisting of approximately 40,000 cellular base stations, will cover 92 percent of the U.S. population by 2015.
Preferred LTE Technology.

LightSquared is building a 4G-LTE open wireless broadband network that will enable a true broadband experience.

LTE, a 3GPP technology standard, is the basis of the 4G network deployments of nearly every major carrier globally.

The LTE standard provides an ecosystem advantage and a superior user experience.

From a technology perspective, LTE has a maximum data rate—over 100 MB/second—which enables LightSquared to offer more immediate communication with minimal delay and faster upload and download speeds.

Terrestrial + Satellite = Constant Connectivity

LightSquared is using terrestrial and satellite technology to ensure constant connectivity, regardless of location. The LightSquared Satellite, built by Boeing, was launched into geostationary orbit over North America in November 2010. "

Source of Philip Falcone, Lightsquared, Harbinger Capital Partners Post

Nationwide LTE Broadband Network - Open Wireless Broadband Network

Who Really is the Supposed "Experts" in SEO at SEOP, SEOP Inc.,, Search Engine Optimization Performance? , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP, Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro Claims to be a Really Big Deal in Search Engine Reputation Marketing, Crystal L. Cox - Investigative Blogger -Search Engine Reputation Manager - So what is the Truth , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP, Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro ? , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP, Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro Claims this on the , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP website...

"We know the world is different today -- only the best will survive and grow. This means you need the most skilled, most experienced, trusted experts on your team -- because there is no room for making wrong moves with your search marketing."

I say that , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP, Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro does not get the World Today, They do Not even have control of their own search presence, how will they do any Kind of Search Engine Reputation Management for You. They did not even have the Internet Marketing Savvy To Buy their Own Dot Com.

"As a team of SEO and Search Marketing experts, we focus where the future of search will be:"

Crystal L. Cox - Investigative Blogger -Search Engine Reputation Manager says that is a Simply nonesense, how in the world can Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro claim to be any part of a Search Engine Marketing Expert Team when they don't even own their dotcom... this is Crucial in the World of Internet Marketing is this the Search Engine Marketing Expert Team team you want working for you ? , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP, Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro Claims this on the , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP website...

"...Search Engine Optimization Performance (SEOP™) has invested over 1.5 million in research, development and domain driven technology in the last 24 months, and employs the smartest, most sought after thought leaders and human capital in the industry -- to ensure your company delivers at its best – no matter if you are a small, medium or Fortune 1000 Company.

Search Engine Optimization Performance (SEOP™) has invested over 1.5 million in research, development and domain driven technology in the last 24 months, and employs the smartest, most sought after thought leaders and human capital in the industry -- to ensure your company delivers at its best – no matter if you are a small, medium or Fortune 1000 Company.

Our powerful technological methodologies of Thematic Optimization™ combined with Information Architecture optimization™ will help you sell far more of your products and services with maximum revenue and rapid ROI. This gives you the realistic ability to drive top keyword positioning and the utmost possible online revenue for your company, resulting in a feeling of power, control and excitement over your search engine marketing ROI results." -this is On

Crystal L. Cox
- Investigative Blogger -Search Engine Reputation Manager SAYS this is a load of Crap, it is flat out fluff.. Thematic Optimization ?? WTF - Come on, Can they Handle YOUR JOB or NOT?.. 1.5 Million Dollars in Research is NOT Something that , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP,Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro SHOULD be bragging about, they got duped or spent the money ???? I mean fancy websites for them does NOTHING for the Client Needing Really, Aggressive Search Engine Reputation Management Service. ,
Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP,
Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro Claims this on the , Search Engine Optimization Performance , SEOP website...

SEOP lives up to its reputation. Here are some of the words clients use to describe our services: "High Performance." "A specialized force of search engine optimization Experts." "Powerful.""Thought leaders" "Dependable ROI results."

Crystal L. Cox
- Investigative Blogger -Search Engine Reputation Manager SAYS that , Search Engine Optimization Performance does not live up to any "Reputation" of "High Performance" in any way and , Search Engine Optimization Performance has NO SUCH "specialized force of search engine optimization Experts" PERIOD.

Should You Trust Search Engine Optimization Performance,, SEOP, Gary Hagins (UCLA), Rhonda Spears, Claire Yager, Manny J. Clark, Michael Tesauro with your Internet Reputation ?

I Say NO WAY !!!

Crystal L. Cox
Search Engine Reputation Manager
Investigative Blogger

Intel Corp. Continues to be Above the Law With Massive Proof of Fraud, Corruption, Collusion .. Anti-Trust Violations, Sherman and Clayton Act ...

Why are Government Officials, and U.S. Courts Ignoring So much Blatant Proof of Corruption at Intel Corp. ? Is it because Intel Corp. Has to Much Money ? Is it because, as Sources Tell me that Intel Corp. will gas your home if you Speak Out against them? Why do so many "Officials" Ignore So much Evidence against Intel Corp. ~ ~ Decade After Decade.

Report on Intel Corp. Blatant Violations of U.S Laws ~ Proof of Intel Corp. Corruption.

"FTC Inspector General

FTC Commissioners

SEC Commissioner

Senate & Congress
State Attorney Generals

United States Attorneys

Director Robert Mueller, FBI

Honorable Eric Holder, DOJ

Vice President Joseph Biden "

ALL Continue to Protect Corruption at Intel Corp. - Why?

" FTC Inspector General, Senate, Congress, State Attorney Generals, U.S. Attorneys, FTC & SEC Commissioners, Director Mueller, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, DOJ Antitrust, DOJ Cartel Divisions and Vice President Joseph Biden:

On non address of up to $49.071 billion# consumer recoverable and no antitrust remedies associated with FTC v Intel Corporation Docket 9341 consent order, please find analyst comment on reorganizing Federal Trade Commission toward financial self sufficiency, pros and cons of Section 5 for competitive case investigation, summation of Intel Inside tied charge back, statistical analysis isolating Intel microprocessor brokers who are PC Dealers and Sales Agents, seventeen Intel Microprocessor Production short run examples on which 9341 Intel recovery estimates are economically calculated.


Herein multiple discovery examples, 1993 through 2003, are meant to show economic cause why Intel Network manipulation of FTC vs. Intel Docket 9288.

That cause is Intel intent to monopolize markets for the next decade actively concealed in real time at that time by an inter nation Cartel.

A cartel composed of Intel, PC Dealers, Media Sales Agents, investment banking, security operatives, corporate political relations and network confidence agents embedded by Intel, Media Sales Agents, and foreign Nation’s interest into domestic x86 competitors, to steal from, and dismantle competition.

A network of extended relation’s who long time conceal Intel vertical by horizontal matrix of integrated dealing cells streaming intra platform computers to end buyers in system field effects. Where Federal authority in position to resolve systematic economic crimes, have not, raising question of blockers, detractors or a continued investigation?

Law Violation Findings from Dockets 9288 & 9341 Case Research Analysis:

DOJ Antitrust Compliance Intel failure to 1st Report by Federal Obligation

31 USC 1832 Economic Crimes destabilizing U.S. industrial potentials

Sherman Act Section 1 Contract for horizontal combination as a restraint.

Sherman Act Section 1 Conspiracy to conceal contract & combination.
Sherman Act Section 2 Intent to monopolize and predatory conduct.

Anti Kick Back Act 1986 Kick back for product routing across State Lines

Clayton Act Part 2 Channel discrimination & sabotage of facilities.

Clayton Act Part 3 Limiting by product routing; barricaded essential facility.

Clayton Act Part 4 Attacking competitor employees who refuse to participate.

Clayton Act Part 5 Unfair and deceptive practices.

Clayton Act Section 13c Payment/acceptance commission compensation to route.

Clayton Act Section 13d Payment for services or facilities for processing a sale.

Clayton Act Section 13e Furnishing services or facilities for processing/handling.

Clayton Act Section 14 Pressed into agreement not to use competitor’s goods.

USC 1961 RICO - 222 Cross enterprise, cross professional network crime.

USC 1341 US Mail Fraud Consumer Route Fee paid PCs mailed across State lines.

USC 1956 Laundering Intel advance revenue paid to PC OEM & Media in trust

Corporate Procedure 1714.9 Attorney & client conspiracy.
Penal Code 182 Crimes against public justice.

Nothing in Docket 9341 consent order addresses these facts, continued Nations, society harms and consumer financial recovery form this history of anticompetitive system’s conduct, racketeering, industrial and economic espionages.

An environment understood by industry players for nearly two decades.

And many in government who seem to sit on the side lines?

In fact the extent of those in DC with knowledge of the high level espionage and enterprise network corruption case investigations are really quite extensive."


"All aspects of Intel monopolization beyond commercial fraud remain deleted from Docket 9341 consent order as accepted by FTC Commissioner’s on November 1. Resulting in this third Federal example of Intel Corporation dodging competition, racketeering and espionage violations pursuant to three investigative tracks that also validate Federal agency failures to regulate competition, racketeering, cross enterprise, cross profession network crime including in progress economic espionages;

DOJ v Intel 1991 – 1993, FTC v Intel Docket 9288 1998 –
2001, FTC v Intel Docket 9341 2009-2010.

How is one to explain the result of continuous compounded series of misfeasance, and failures in oversight, across Intel case matters now for two decades?

FTC Reorganization on 9341 Result

On two of three Intel case anomalies this analyst suggests the Federal Trade Commission should be reconfigured for financial self sufficiency. Up to $49.071 billion and antitrust remedies is a lot of consumer recovery to leave off the table.

Too earn its keep can FTC be reconfigured to lead virtual competition case actions? Like any private plaintiff attorney partnership paid for monitoring, regulation, investigation, leading case work for competitive recovery from the very corporations the agency is suppose to regulate under Sherman and Clayton Acts.

Too modernize an agency held captive by the political agenda of corporate legal guild in relation to employment and professional placements beyond the agency itself.

Including where corporate political and institutional influences are often responsible for making and sustaining employment placements in those agency’s in question.

Obviously not a fault of the institution or its Congressional Charter but of society and the personal boundaries of individual actor’s responsible for implementing and overseeing that charter.

And where there are questions of oversight control perhaps State Attorney Generals should be included as added check under FTC Congressional charter?

Certainly more desirable than this False Claim’s Act Relator.

Where, perhaps, State Attorney Generals should be able to initiate and oversee cases within FTC for spot control across the country.

Who’s been minding shop in DC?

Where Intel case matters are concerned why are the continued symptoms of regulatory, oversight, corporate law enforcement and attorney fiduciary dysfunction so pronounced and for so long?

In the face of Intel Network again demonstrating administration of corporate and attorney fraternal ties that are greater than the Federal Power itself, making FTC financially self sufficient is designed to increase competitive effectiveness, to cut corporate ties, earn its keep under Charter on the very recoveries FTC is supposed to be delivering.

No different from Relator under False Claims Act. Why shouldn’t FTC be rewarded operating returns on antitrust and commerce case recoveries?

In doing so like any partnership offer an incentive to federal employees on that return, under the Federal Power, which would surely keep FTC focused on the high value cases.

With of course some ratio of funding for all other types of matters that require attention. Delivering on the administrative front a lean organization in step with its ability to self sustain organically. To counter corporate guild control it just might take a separate stronger independent public partnership. "

Source of Intel Corp. Corruption Proof and Full Document

Also Check Out

Intel Corp. Continues to be Above the Law, Accountable to No One. CEO Paul Otellini of Intel Corp. Continues to Hide Massive Shareholder Liabilities over Intel Corp.'s part in the Stealing of a 13 Trillion Dollar Technology over a Decade Ago from Iviewit Technologies.

To This Day Intel Corp. Board of Directors and Intel CEO Paul Otellini HIDE this
Massive Shareholder Fraud....

LightSquared's Wholesale LTE Network Challenges Clearwire's Dominance and They will DO anything to Stop Philip Falcone and Harbinger Capital.

Is Clearwire Corp. involved in ANY Government Fraud? If you Have Without a Doubt Proof, you may be entitled to 30% Recovery in a Whistleblower Lawsuit.

It sure seems to me that Clearwire Corporation is up to No Good and that possibly Clearwire, along with their Powerful Connections ...

Clearwire Corp. Seems to Be Attempting to BLOCK Philip Falcone's Lightsquared from Gaining Ground on their turf. It seems that Clearwire is Lobbying to STOP Lightsquared and Harbinger Capital from Competing with them.

In my Opinion this should concern the SEC bigtime and the FCC in their supposed Enforcement of the Communication Act.. they Should Definately be looking at What Clearwire, AT&T and Verizon are up to Behind the Scenes that is interfering with Lightsquared - Harbinger Capital Partners from Competing with them.

Clearwire Threatened by the Emergence of Philip Falcone, Lightsquared in their Market.

"LightSquared's Wholesale LTE Network Challenges Clearwire's Dominance in 4G Wireless Services

As reported in Bloomberg's (News - Alert) business briefs on Monday, billionaire Philip Falcone’s LightSquared (News - Alert) plans to expand in as many as nine U.S. metro areas next year, challenging Clearwire Corp.’s lead in offering 4G wireless services.

The report shows that LightsSquared, backed by Falcone’s Harbinger Capital Partners hedge fund, will extend its network to Dallas, Chicago and Minneapolis in 2011, with plans to extend its reach to 11 additional cities by 2012, including New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

With a mission to revolutionize the U.S. wireless industry through the creation of the first-ever wholesale-only nationwide 4G-LTE (News - Alert) network, LightSquared’s documents show the company will offer 4G service largely in the middle of the country first and then expand to the coasts.

While Sprint Nextel Corp. currently markets 4G through a venture with Clearwire, AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wirelessare planning to enter the fray in the coming months.

In an interview given to Bloomberg, Steve Clement, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities in Portland, Oregon, said, “It’s an ambitious plan. If these guys can get it up and running well, Clearwire (News - Alert) will have a reason to be concerned.”

Likewise, speaking to Bensinger in New York, LightSquared CEO Sanjiv Ahuja confirmed the content of the documents, adding that some specifics have changed since they were distributed late last year. Ahuja, who ran Orange SA in Europe, said he sees an opportunity to bring better and more innovative service to the United States.

Ahuja said that, “there is a big demand-supply gap and we are trying to step in and fill some of that.”

“In terms of wireless penetration, the United States today is nowhere near the top countries,” he added.

Anyway, according to documents given to Bloomberg, Reston, Virginia-based LightSquared intends to add 300 base stations this year, with plans to add about 5,000 by the end of 2011.

And, in 2012, LightSquared projects to add nearly 13,000 base stations in 11 more metropolitan areas. According to the company CEO, LightSquared is on track to begin constructing its network in December.

LightSquared, formed through Falcone’s acquisition of SkyTerra Communications Inc., plans to sell capacity on its network to cable providers, consumer electronics companies and technology companies.

Consequently, a personal computer maker or television manufacturer could sell wireless service to the consumers while simultaneously selling their own products, said LightSquared.

As reported, and confirmed by a company spokeswoman, the first trials will begin in Baltimore, Denver, Las Vegas and Phoenix and the first commercial switch-ons are expected in the third quarter of 2011.

Meanwhile, research data shows that Clearwire is now active in almost 50 markets, from large cities to suburbs, while Verizon plans to launch LTE services in 25-30 markets in the fourth quarter. "

Full Article and Source

Clearwire Corporation will Do anything to STOP Harbinger from Taking away their business.

Clearwire Corporation is Lobbying, Using Media Connections, Using Political Connections, and more to STOP the Launch of Lightsquared's 4G Network as Clearwire Corp. will Lose their edge for Good. Clearwire Corp. seems to be "in bed Verizon" on this latest attack to scare investors of Harbinger Capital's Lightsquared.

Links to Clearwire Corp. Desperation
Verizon said no to Merging with Clearwire, and Yet Now it seems that Verizon and Clearwire Have something Major in Common and that is to STOP Lightsquared from taking over their turf. So what is Verizon CTO Tony Melone Saying To Clearwire Corps. CEO Bill Morrow now? Its seems to me that Clearwire is Lobbying to STOP Lightsquared as they have Billions on TOP of Billions to Lose. So Question is Will Clearwire and Verizon get in Bed Together Publicly to STOP Lightsquared from Competing with them..

Much more Coming Soon on Clearwire and their Major Efforts to affect Media, Control Government Decisions and to Shut Down LightSquared from Competing with them.

Clearwire CEO Bill Morrow is Attempting To Block Lightsquared, Philip Falcone from Getting a Foot Hold.

It seems to me that Clearwire is up to No Good. It appears that Clearwire is lobbying, controlling media and attempting to get the FCC to STOP Lightsquared from Fully Launching their 4G network. Bill Morrow is CEO of Clearwire. What Does Bill Morrow have to Say about Lightsquared and the Current GPS Fiasco ?

More Company Soon on Connections, Conflicts of Interests, Lobbying Efforts and "In Bed Withs" as to Clearwire possibly violating federal Anti-Trust Laws in trying to squash the efforts of Lightsquared, Philip Falcone and Harbinger Capital.

Got a Tip on Clearwire or Bill Morrow Clearwire CEO?
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