Realtor Associations Funding Lawsuits ?

The Local Association of Realtors around the US, Canada and Every have stepped up their war on the Real Estate Consumer. They are Fighting in Small Towns everywhere to get their way on development and housing issues. They fight state and federal lawmakers to get their way on issues such as Banks OUT of Real Estate, No Buyers Rebates, No Discount Brokers, No FSBO marketing in the Local Magazines they take control over..

I recently Read about a Lawsuit in Tucson where the Local Tucson Association of Realtors was funding a Lawsuit for a Client to Sue the City to tear down a building..

This Battle with a Resident of Tucson Arizona and the Tucson City is a Sign of the Realtors Seriously over stepping their bounds. This reeks of Anti-Trust violations. How can the Local Association of Realtors FUND a lawsuit against the City. I highly doubt that the City can Stand up to the Money and so called "clout" behind the Realtors.

I strongly feel that the Local Association Board of Realtors around the Country are pushing around local law makers too much. I Do Not feel that the Realtors should have this kind of power and that they NEED to be stood up to. It does not seem like your local government, or the Department of Justice can Really Stand up to The Realtors. Like they are some Giant Unstopable Godzilla taking over every single town and pushing their way on the locals.

When there really is No Need to Use a Realtor in Your Real Estate Transaction and in fact using a Realtor in your Real Estate Transaction offer you less protection, possibly less money, and adds a huge amount of Risk and Stress to Your Real Estate Transaction.

Information on the Article I am Discussing is Below..

Tucson Association of REALTORS® Supports Lawsuit against the City of Tucson
Tucson, Ariz. – (September 10, 2008) –Tucson resident Eric Button has filed a lawsuit against the City of Tucson challenging the validity of § 3033.7 of the Tucson Code (the "Ordinance").

The City has refused to issue Mr. Button a demolition permit for his house in the Jefferson Park Neighborhood until he completes a costly and potentially time consuming historic review process mandated by the Ordinance. So, Mr. Button has challenged the Ordinance's validity, asserting that the City adopted the Ordinance without providing the proper notice to the public.Click here to view the city ordinance.

It requires Mr. Button to submit a historic survey to the City for his house and for every property within 300 feet of his house.

Mr. Button does not have the expertise to prepare the historic survey so he would have to hire an architect to do so.Once the City accepts the historic survey, the review process can take up to two months and, at its conclusion, the City Building Official is authorized to delay issuing the demolition permit for an additional 90 days to allow the City to document historic features and/or an additional 180 days "to provide the City with time to preserve the structure either by purchasing or arranging the purchase of the property."

Apparently, the City Council has given the Building Official the discretion to hold up a demolition permit in this fashion even if the property owner has no desire to sell his property to the City.

The Tucson Association of REALTORS® is funding Mr. Button's lawsuit against the City of Tucson. ...

Maybe the Realtor did NOT disclose the Historical Aspect, and Maybe they are funding the lawsuit to bend and break the city ordinance because the Historic Evaluation will cost alot and maybe the Buyer blames the Realtor.. and so the Realtor is funding this Witch Hunt.. to save themselves... Well whatever all the details are YOU can bet WINNING is good for the Realtor...

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