the Realtor - the Seller Lied, Cheated, Committed Fraud, Failed to Disclose.. you the Buyer .. You Lose - Sellers Hide Assets - Realtors have E and O.
the Seller hides their assets, the attorney looks the other way while they do it. Real Estate Lawsuits treat the Victim as the Criminal and strip you of basic human rights. The One who committed the crime is treated better then the one hurt by the Real Estate Fraud.
The Realtor Fails to Disclose, Commits Silent Fraud ( hey if they say NOTHING is that Lying).
the buyer did not get what the Realtor advertised that they were getting, oh well... we got your money now.. whatcha gonna do about it...NOTHING.. that's what we thought.
The Realtors should not get to lie so bad that you lose everything, you spend years in a very stressful real estate battle because of their lies and the National Association of Realtors and the LAW does not back you up.. you have to fight to get what you thought you were buying in the first place.
There are no real elements in place that Protect the Real Estate Consumer from any kind of real estate fraud in their real estate transaction.
the National Association of Realtors wants you to believe that they HOLD Realtors, NAR members accountable for "Bad Behavior" - "(ethics and standards of practice violations) but in the real life of real estate NAR at any level does not hold the Realtor accountable, you have no real Recourse when the Realtor lies. Go ahead and sue, you will be treated SHOCKINGLY bad by people on your team, Realtor in your town, your neighbors, people you thought were your friends and by the real estate attorneys you pay....
NAR puts out really big money in ads to make you think they really are of a "Higher Standard" and that they are the "voice of real estate". But really they are not of a higher standard and they have no intention of holding a Realtor to the Higher Standard that they brag about to get you to use a Realtor.
So what Does a Real Estate Consumer Do?
Hmmmm... that's a Very Good Question...
and the Answer, well what does one do when absolutely no one is listening no matter how much proof you have... I say you TELL On them. Don't go to NAR at the national, state or the local level.. they don't care.... they send you away... they are NOT listening..
Don't go to your State Real Estate Regulators they have to Protect the Realtors or get sued, and they don't have the kind of money that NAR has. NAR controls those who govern real estate - one way or another...
So start a blog for FREE at , post your proof, your videos, tell your story in great and factual detail... then email me a link at and I guarantee that I will get you heard....
Crystal L. Cox
Real Estate Consumer Advocate
and Self Named
Real Estate Industry Whistleblower.
And you thought No One was Listening.....
NAR uses your Real Estate Listing for Content on Their Website so they can sell ads.. and more...
the National Association of Realtors does alot more with your listing then you know. They use your photos, your content, information on your town and your area as SOMETHING interesting for consumers of all kinds, 99 percent of them will NOT even be interested in your real estate for sale... but hey... who cares... it is about getting website visitors so that those who make money from and their other real estate sites can have a supposed, legitimate reason for people from EVERYWHERE To go to their site so they can sell them stuff... and charge advertisers for EVERYTHING to be on their site... shhhhh don't tell your neighborhood Realtor..
NAR wants them to keep on believing what they are dishing out and to keep convincing you that your REALLY do NEED to be on thier websites to sell faster, better and for a higher price .... oh and don't forget you get more protection using a Realtor Right? .... NOT....
Standard Commission and Anti-Trust Violations the More you Know.. the better off you are...
Signing a Real Estate Contract that says "As Is"
Should you Sign a Real Estate Contract that says "As IS" - well don't this.. it is bad for the Real Estate Consumer. Real Estate Contracts are to Protect the Realtor and if the Seller or the Realtor, usually the Seller with this one, if they want an "As Is" - look a little deeper BEFORE you Buy.
Dual Agency - Good or Bad for the Real Estate Consumer ?
the Truth About Dual Agency, I know a tough Subject. More at - in case you hadn't noticed.. I am quite certain in my stance on Dual Agency.
Reverse Mortgage Advice
Is a Reverse Mortgage the Way to Go? I mean what benefit is a Reverse Mortgage Really? I use to think it was an awesome way to have security whey your older. You spend your life buying your house and when your older then you can use your house to support your life.
The thing is who knows when your life will end and we want to live Right ?
With a Reverse mortgage, there is nothing paid on the principal of your loan. So the interest ads on top of the loan, and it does this over and over, month after month, year after year. In this your home Equity is eaten up pretty fast and you are out on the street.
This works GREAT for those giving you the loan, they get to use up your equity very fast and move you on out, then sell your home. Or even it does last until your passing, your heirs are left with not much of anything.
In my Opinion, as a Real Estate Broker owner from what I have seen, Studied and Read, I would say it is better to get a line of credit, or a home equity loan to live on and use it to make payments. This way you are not just letting it add on top of itself and in a sense pressure you to get busy dying.
I want you to live, this is your hard earned equity. If you don't want to move please research other options, all those ads targeted at YOU are not for your benefit. Selling may be the best option then you can use your money for rent and a nice life. You may also find a buyer at the right price who will give you a life estate, so that you get the money but get to live there the rest of your life. Even if you give the buyer a really good deal it is better then the Stress and Deadly affects of a Reverse Mortgage.
Are you Still Using a Realtor? Selling Without a Realtor
Realtors pay dues to their Franchise (which offers NOTHING to protect you). Realtors pay dues to the National Association of Realtors, Realtors also pays NAR for supposed accreditations that means nothing to the real estate consumer. Realtors pay NAR to be on and to subscribe to all the Techno Gimiks the National Association of Realtors is selling this week. YOU, the Real Estate consumer end up really paying for all this.
So your Real Estate Listing means a whole lot to a whole lot of people, your listing is supporting much more then just the Commission to your Realtor and that Money is Yours. Oftentimes people are talked down to, treated bad and pushed around by their Realtor at the same time as they are Giving them their Hard earned Equity.
The National Association of Realtors keeps up the Image, the Ads, the New Billboards to Ensure that you think you need them and that you think by using a Realtor that you are somehow more protected in your real estate transaction, but this is not true. It is Propaganda and a Flat Out Lie.
With the Power of the Internet you Do NOT need a Realtor to Sell your Real Estate. Don’t Be afraid, we don’t do anything really anyway. The title company closes the deal, their attorney looks it over. With or without a Realtor you need to make sure that you are protected in your real estate transaction. You need to look at all paperwork, make sure you understand and change the things in your paperwork that you don’t like, you are a party to the contract and can change anything. No one can protect you as well as you can.
Realtor Forms are geared toward protecting the Realtor, don’t sign them unless you fill in every blank, change what you don’t like or don’t understand. You can close a “Deal” with a sentence or two on a napkin. The title company closes some pretty SHOCKING stuff. Why the Realtors have all those pages is to Protect them and NOT to protect you so Don’t Use a Realtor, Sell without a Realtor.
Crystal L. Cox
Broker Owner
Real Estate Whistleblower