It is very important that you learn about marketing real estate on the Internet. What seems to be happening in the real estate industry, is that giant companies that have more Internet knowledge than you do are getting the potential real estate buyers to go to their website and then they are selling these leads back to you, the real estate professional in your local area.
However if you were knowledgeable about the Internet, and you were doing your own real estate marketing and advertising online, you would not need the services of a lead generation company. You will have to spend a certain amount of your income on advertising to position yourself in getting your listings found on the World Wide Web.
Many agents think they have a website or assume their company website is the only website they need. I have had agents tell me that they have a company website, which actually belongs to the franchise they work for and they claim that they get plenty of leads from this site, with seemingly no regard to the possibility that they may someday leave this company and the possibility that it would be much better for their business and for them to get these leads directly to them and not have these potential buyers be filtered through somebody else's decisions of where leads go to.
I have spoke to some real estate agents that have spent thousands of dollars on websites, and online marketing to get a space on the information superhighway. And they have told me that they have no idea if they're actually getting traffic to this website, they have no idea if they own the domain name to the website, they don't really know if the clients are coming from that website or the corporate head website or some other marketing they've done and they basically do not have a concept of what real estate marketing online is and what it means to them.
The wonderful thing about online marketing is that we can track it. For example, if you spent thousands of dollars in advertising in the Wall Street Journal, how do you know how many people have looked at your ad.
There may be statistics on how many papers go out to, how many people subscribe, but you have no idea how many of those papers went into the garbage or was dropped in the mud. How could you possibly know when and if your ad is read unless you have a tiny little video camera in each and every newspaper and a way to provide stats on this. Other than this how could you possibly know if anyone is looking at your ad. I guess the only way is if someone says hey I saw your ad or your phone rings. How can you tell if they even took a glance and you got any brand recognition, or if any eyeballs even took a look at what you had to offer. Without this you have no real ad campaign that you can actually track and tweak accordingly.
Internet Marketing is so much more advanced over traditional advertising portals such as newspapers, magazines and television that it is definitely, without a doubt here to stay. So in conclusion, if your business is here to stay than you had better plan on marketing YOU online.
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