Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc.seems to be a serial plaintiff. Do you have any information on Alan R. Kahn - Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC

Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. seems to be a serial plaintiff. Must be how Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. - makes a living.

Alan R. Kahn is the co-founder of New York investment advisory firm Kahn Brothers & Co. founded in 1978 and doing business today as Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC.

Alan R. Kahn's Firm - Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC - is said to be an employee owned investment manager with approximately $827 million in assets under management.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn primarily provides services to individuals and also manages accounts for pension and profit sharing plans, charitable organizations and corporations.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn invests in value stocks of small-cap and mid-cap companies and employs quantitative and fundamental analysis with a bottom-up stock picking approach.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn typically holds its investments for a period between three years and five years.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn left Kahn Brothers & Co. to become a private activist shareholder in a portfolio of companies ? Do you have a Whistleblower tip on Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn or on Kahn Brothers & Co. ?

Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. seems to have made a career out of suing boards of companies via class action and derivative suits, and sponsoring proposals for and against management, is this true?

Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. certainly seems to be a serial plaintiff to me.

It seems that around 60 cases were filed by Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn in the last 10 years alone, 23 of which were in Delaware Chancery Court.

There seems to be many cases brought by Alan R. Kahn's daughters.

Most of these cases seem to be for breach of fiduciary duty, so is this Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc.'s Specialty ?

Most of the of the Alan R. Kahn Lawsuits / Cases seem to have settled eventually, but some after protracted litigation, it would seem - what is the Real Story on all these Lawsuits over the last decade that Alan R. Kahn has filed?

There seems to be at least one case in which Alan R. Kahn filed for a TRO to enjoin the transaction, is this true? Hmmm.. it seems Alan R. Kahn's motion was denied on this.

Kahn v. Tremont was apparently filed in Delaware Chancery Court in 1991. In it, Alan R. Kahn alleged unfair treatment in connection with Tremont's purchases of NL Industries from Valhi Inc. at a time when Valhi allegedly controlled Tremont and NL Industries.

The case went to trial in 1996, where Alan R. Kahn apparently lost. Alan R. Kahn seems to have appealed to the Delaware Supreme Court, which reversed and remanded apparently because of an error having to do with the burden of persuasion applied at trial.

VC Lamb got the case on remand and opened the record more more evidence. The case settled in 1998. Much more on the Details of this Lawsuit and Every Lawsuit that Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. filed in the last decade.

Do you have a Tip on any of the Serial Lawsuits filed by Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. ? If so eMail me at

Got a Tip on Alan Kahn Lawsuits, Kahn Brothers Group Inc., ?

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

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