It is Impossible to Be an Honest Realtor

Where is the Glitch ? Who is the Problem ? Why are Consumers Not Protected from Realtors ? Why are Realtors NOT encouraged to Obey the Law ? Why are No Realtors Held to Ethics or to Standard of Practice.

There will Be Many More Messages to the National Association of Realtors asking them Why They DO NOT enforce Ethics or accountability or even encourage it.
Why NAR does Not even Care to make sure that their members are obeying the laws, following the Code of Ethics and Doing Right By the Consumer.
Why Does the NAR encourage E and O insurance to Be Mandatory when it Protects the Realtor and in No Way Protects the Real Estate Consumer.
Why Do Realtors Not have to Actually Prove things like "Lake Access" when they advertise a property has access and the buyer is left to fight for what was promised to them in the Buy Sell?
and Oh... So much More...

Accountability in Real Estate ? What an Interesting Idea ! Realtors are not Held Accountable for the Damage they Do to the Real Estate Consumer.

There is NO accountability in Real Estate.

The Realtor can Say and Do as they please, especially Broker Owners, Good Ol' Boys, Broker Owner who 'Own the Town' persay and Claim that they control who goes in and out of town. Folks talk of stricter penalties, of more education.

There is no real way in the Current System of the Real Estate Industry to hold the Realtor accountable for their lies. This in turn gives the honest Realtor a bad reputation, I am NOT talking about just Real Estate Agents, I am talking about member of the National Association of Realtors.

The Membership in this Club is what protects the bad Realtor, protects the lying, and the unethical Realtors and in this Keeps the GOOD Realtors down or causes them to switch careers.

Watch your Back, I am telling you the HONEST truth, you are NOT protected as a Real Estate Consumer if and when you Use a Realtor, a member of the National Association of Realtors.

What if there are 2 Easements into the Property ?

Easement Tidbits
Crystal L. Cox
Real Estate Whistleblower

So the Realtor drives you in on one Road, and after the Closing you find out that the "Easement Paper" work that you were given was actually on a different road, and was not even filed at the court house. At this point you will have to right like heck to get what you thought you had. If it has already happened, get as much proof as you can, the buy-sell agreement, all paperwork and disclosures, any advertising about the property, mls sheets and emails and go talk with a real estate attorney.

Tips on Interviewing a Real Estate Attorney

Remember they work for you, if they treat you like the criminal instead of the victim, move on. You deserve to be respected, make the right choice the first time. Talk with other clients if you can, have a couple conversations to see how the dialog will be. Remember this attorney could be a part of your life for months to years. It does not hurt, in my opinion to take a few weeks, just take some time, because if you find out after you choose, pay a retainer or agree to a share of the settlement or judgement it is too late to go back. And if you go on an hourly rate then fire them for treating you bad, lying to you or not doing what you thought they would for you, then you will look unstable, you will be made to look fickle when really it is the real estate attorney that was the problem. So push the communication boundaries, before you sign the contract, odds are if they are short with you, make you feel bad, talk down to you, lie to you or treat you like the criminal then this can come up before you sign if you engage in enough conversation to get a feel for what they are after, their integrity and respect level and how they feel about your case.

About the Same Easement Issue Before You Buy:

Have the Realtor and or Seller show you the easement, have them show you an easement agreement in writing that has been recorded, hire a surveyor to tell you where this easement really is, have it flagged (this could even be a contingency that you ask of the seller).

Make the Title Company give you a copy of the "Legal Easement" that is recorded and have them sign that they gave it to you and in reference to what property.

The Easement to your property may not show up on your title insurance, in my state it does not. Here it is on the property that the easement crosses, so make sure the title company digs it up, if this matches what the Realtor gave you then get your surveyor. This is Time and Money Well Spent and is very important.

Find out what you can and prove this legal access, way before your closing, check the legal description, talk to the owner whose land it crosses and turn over every rock you can Before your Closing. You want to make sure that the road you drove on is really the road you will have legal access on. You want to make sure that the land owner is not adverse to you being there, better to know now, before it is a future - stressful drama.

Believe me if this is not all proven absolutely and Not just the Realtors word, the Seller or Title agents word and not just because the "buy sell" says so, this could cause you a huge amount of stress for years, put you in a huge - never ending neighbor fued and cause your real estate value to plummet. If you get a loan, your lender may not know, the appraiser may not know. I have seen these situations folks, find out more.

Knowledge is Power.

how often does your realtor call you - Today's Search Real Estate Question

This was today’s questions searched on my blogs.

Here’s the thing, either you have a good working relationship with your Realtor or you do not. I recommend that you sell as a FSBO using the power of the internet, but if you must use a Realtor, remember your selling Is not their priority, the priority is to sell something, and quite often your property comes in handy as bait.

I tried to stay in contact with my Sellers at least once a week, email is a good way, that way your Realtor can stay in touch when they have a moment. They should let you know about leads and keep you involved, but keep in mind this may not even be true. I have seen Realtors show their listings to their Secretaries just before it expires to be sure and keep the listing.

Use your Intuition, put what you expect from your Realtor in your Listing Contract. Remember that those “Standard “Realtor” Forms” are to protect the Realtor and are not designed to protect you, the real estate consumer.

So you can write in and initial ANY changes that you want to make, you are a “party to the contract”. You can also exclude ANY Realtor or buyer on that contract and put in a Clause that if for ANY reason you are not satisfied with your Realtor, the Way your Real Estate for Sale Is being marketed or for any reason that you may cancel this contract at any time. Don’t let the Realtor say that you will owe a marketing fee if you Cancel your Listing.

The Realtor uses your listing as bait to sell something and even if you don’t’ sell, cancel or just move on they still have a pool of potential buyers that they got from your Real Estate Listing. Don’t let them make you pay to market their business.

Are you Still Paying 8% for your Realtor to list your Land? Realtors are Scaming you, Realtors Lie.

This is a VERY big scam. There is less liability and less work to do when listing land, and yet the Realtors convince the Seller that land is worth more commission to the Realtor. I fought this my first year in real estate, I offered 5% but my fellow Realtors convinced my Sellers and potential Sellers that I was not offering the same service or as good for those rates, when in fact I was offering more then “the same service”. And one of the Realtors went door to door telling folks how me offer "cheaper rates" was because I was not as good or offering less of a service. Yes Unethical and in the Realtor Ethics and Standards of Practice, but these games and attempts at boycotting Realtors who give you a break, as a real estate consumer, these things happened ALL the time and they still do.

Don’t let Realtors convince you that land is worth a higher commission, this is a scam.