What if your Offer Offends the Seller ? What does this mean ? Is it a Realtor Game or a Sellers actually Feeling?

"real estate negotiation seller offended excuse"
This was a Site Search on our Blogs today.
I just want to say that this happens quite often. The buyer wants to make an offer but the Realtors says well they will offend the Seller and you don't want to do that or they may not work with you at all. And if the buyer does make that "low ball" offer then the Realtor tell the seller just to ignore it, you don't even have to counter, it is way to low.
So the Seller Does not Counter and the Buyer is left with well I guess I offended the Seller, but in Reality you should have your Buyers agent or you be there when the offer is presented and make sure that the Seller understands. Also the Seller should counter or the Realtor should encourage another offer, just leaving it at oh well you offended the Seller well that is just a bit too much and not really based in the Real needs of Buyers and Seller but instead a game by the Realtors. Most Sellers, though disappointed at a low offer, they won't be jerks about it, they will do something... to let the buyers know where they are at with all of it.. it is the Realtors that add games to the mix and alienated buyers and sellers forever.
Also on this note Realtors can have there Sellers sign something that they put in the file that says, don't bring any offers below such and such dollars. This way the Realtor can show the property and can reject offers right from their desk and they don't even have to tell the Seller they go an offer...
Well just a Few Tidbits on that Subject. Just Remember never settle for answers that you feel are just not quite right.

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