NAR Keeping Banks OUT of Real Estate

For Years upon Years NAR, the National Association of Realtors has Been Quite successful in Keeping Banks out of the Real Estate Industry. Though Banks Give money to buy the Real Estate, and though Banks already have the Real Estate Consumers Private information and Though the Banking System Answers to Higher Standards than Realtors and are Possibly a Bit more accountable to the Consumer.. Still NAR and all their might as the Giant Real Estate Cartel in Which They Have Become have Lobbied and Legislated - Stomped their Feet and Threw a Tantrum - they Huff and they Puff and Well They Win.

There is No Reason for NAR to Keep Banks OUT

There Really is No Logical or Ethical Reason for the Realtors, the Local Association Leaders, the National Association of Realtors, the members that gather in thousands in Washington D.C. to Fight So Hard to Stop Banks from Being in Real Estate. Except for that One Reason which is, it Would Cut into the Billion Dollar Profits of the National Association of Realtors and Wouldn't That Be a Shame.
realtor lies
NAR Claims ....

NAR Claims that "Real estate brokers and managers compete in the marketplace without using your tax dollars to prop up their businesses." I, an Ex-Realtor - Real Estate Broker Owner say.. Bull.. Realtors May Not Use your Tax Dollars Directly - they are Not the IRS - they are the NAR - However, the Realtors Do Take Plenty of Your Money and Offer you No Real Service in Exchange and they offer you NO Protection in Your Real Estate Transaction along the way. I don't think that "Compete" is really the Correct word to use here either - The Real Estate Cartel - NAR does not really encourage competition among their members - they just say that they do so they don't look like they are blatantly Lying about their Violations of Federal Anti-Trust Laws.
Realtors, the Association Flat Out Lies about Banks in Real Estate

Realtors say this about the Banks in Real Estate "Bank-affiliated agents would be pressured to focus on the needs of parent companies and shareholders." When in Truth Realtor, NAR has interest in and has their Corporate Hands in All kinds of Financial Windfalls based on the Illusions that Real Estate Consumers Believe which is that the Realtor is Needed in the Real Estate Transaction. The Truth is that Realtor Affiliation are WHAT hurts the Real Estate Consumer. The Truth is that NAR is the One WHo Pressures Lawmakers - pushes deals through to benefit Realtors - pushes Affiliation with companies such as E and O insurance providers - REALTORS are the One who FOCUS on the NEED of the Parent Company. At least with the Banks you get a free Cooler.
real estate fraud
Realtors Actually Do What they Claim Banks Are Doing to You.

This is a FACT, Realtors Do WHAT they are trying to get you, the Real Estate Consumer to FEAR that Banks Might Do. a Slide of Hand.. Smoke and Mirrors... Lies and You, the Real Estate Consumer are Who Really Gets Hurt.

Along with this same point that the Realtors, NAR, also claims this about the Realtors, "REALTORS® succeed or fail based on how well they serve the needs of customers." This is Simply NOT True. Realtors Succeed because the E and O insurance, the Local Board of Realtors and the Real Estate Franchise Protects them when they Lie and Break the Law. No One has the Real Estate Consumers Back, Period. The Realtors DO NOT serve the Needs of the Customers - nor do they provide other options. They have the Real Estate Market cornered and the Consumer has to use them.. that is why the Consumer KEEPS going back to the Realtor - they have No Real Choice.

The Realtors are self governed, and Ethics and Standards of Practice MEAN nothing - they are in NO Way enforced. The Customer, most of the time have no choice but to use a Realtor, if banks were in real estate and that was a choice along with a Realtor then the Consumer may choose the bank. NAR lobby's and uses part of their billions to fight for and create laws that keep the market cornered and KEEP consumers having to use them and keep real estate agents that want to "succeed" having to Join Them. They use YOUR money to fight in Congress to KEEP you Down.

REALTOR, the Association of Realtors Tries to Claim that Being a REALTOR member is Voluntary .. this is another Flat Out Lie.. Over 95% of Real Estate Agents work for a Company and are not the Broker Owner, so they don't get to decide, they have to join if the Broker Joins.. Voluntary Membership is another Bold Faced Lie.

The Only real protection the Real Estate Consumer has is Knowledge.
real estate advice

Great Market for the Hard Money Broker

In a Time When it is Hard to Get Regular Loans, the Money People - the Hard Money Placement Folks are making more money then ever. Due to Bad Credit situations and hard to get loans (Because of the Mortgage Industry) another part of the Mortgage Industry gets to make really big bucks by finding you money, saving the day and charging you plenty to do it.

The Real Estate Consumer Thinks that because of their credit or current financial situations in the world ecomony that they have to pay a higher commission, a higher interest rate and in this the Hard Money Loan Guys make a whole lot of money off of you - the Borrower - the Consumer.

Hard Money, that's just it, it is Hard to Get which translates to the Real Estate Consumer as YOU Pay me more to find it for you and you pay over and over again.

The Money is so hard to get that you are willing to do what it takes to make it happen and the Hard Money Broker - is Laughing all the way to the Bank. And not just this month but EVERY single month for the life of YOUR Loan.

Commercial Loans and Hard Money Loans are typically higher interest rates, which translates as More Money for the Hard Money Placement Specialist. You JUST have to payer a higher interest for commercial loans Right? I mean that is Just the Way things Work. This is not true but all they need is for YOU the Consumer to Believe it is True and then they get that Big Fat Residual Paycheck.

If the Loan to Value Ratio Works Out then the Money will be there for your real estate Purchase. How Does the Loan to Value work out ?

There are many ways that the Loan to Value is Forced - seemingly illegally but also seemingy that the lenders PUSH the Hard Money Folks - and the Mortgage Brokers to get these loans closed as quick as they can, to PUSH them through.

The Lender seems to look they way alot and even encourage bad behavior such as "Seller's Contributions". The Lender Does Not really care they just want the loan, the Loan Guys they want the loan and as soon as all the paperwork of your loan is done then the Lender Sells your Loan to unsuspecting 3rd party who does not really know that it was somehow forced.

And that the Real Estate Value is NOT really there but instead all the players involved made it look that way. And By Players I men Hard Money Placement Broker, Mortgage Broker, Appraiser, Realtors, and anyone else in the Real Estate Transaction that had ANYTHING to do with Proving Value.

You Deserve to Know the Truth on this Stuff Folks.
Subscribe to My members only Blog to Find out these Dirty Little Secrets.
The borrower is just so happy to get the money coming to them, to get that house for their family or to get that commercial property that they agree to what ever the person getting them the money tells them they need to do to get it.
Next, there are hidden costs, paperwork fees, loan origination fees, and all kinds of hidden costs in the closing papers. However the Real Kicker is Not the Commission and All those "Upfront" fees the Mortgage Broker or Hard Money Placement Guy get, but it is the Trailing commission. Say your Commercial loan is for $700,000 - say the Hard Money Placement gets One Percent upfront plus a few Paperwork fees and whatever they convinced you was necessary. So say they made around $11,000 upfront.. Well They also make, the Difference in percentage of interest, say the REAL lender gets %5 as the Loan Product stated, and the MB convinces you that it really is %9 - then they the Middle Man - the Loan Processor - the Hard Money Loan Guy or whatever Type of Money Middle Person your using, THEY get 4% interest for the LIFE of the Loan, so if you Keep this Loan for say 10 years, then this Person gets a commission of $28,000 a year, that is around $2000 a month (yes a bit more but you get the point). Now times this by 10 years and even more if you use the same person to Re-Finance.
So ONE loan, every month part of your HUGE payment goes to this middle man, NOW had you went directly to the lender your loan would have cost less in the First Place and you Would NOT be Paying a Trailing Commission for the Life of the Loan and NO this does not have to be disclosed to you, it is between the Lender and the Mortgage Consultant - really none of your business - The Real Estate Consumer thinks that %9 is the Best they can get in their circumstance, and if the MB drags this out, then the Consumer is Stuck with them if they want the loan because a new lender may have to dip into the Credit Scores again and that causes a drop so the next time they may not qualify for the Loan... Quite a Legal Scam isnt' it?

they ask, "Do Realtors Lie?"

of Course Realtors Lie, they even Lie when they don't know they are lying because they are 99% of them Followers and they Have to Be to Survive. Whatever the Real Estate Franchise, the National Association of Realtors says is Proven to Work - Tried and True and well Just the Way Thing are - Most Realtors will Just Regurgitate what is Fed to them .. Thereby allowing for the Real Estate Consumer to Get Fed whatever Corporate Wants them to Believe is True to Keep those at the Top in the Billions of Dollars, that the Real Estate Cartel as Become used to. Find Out What Is Really Going on In the Real Estate Industry, Subscribe to My Real Estate Whistleblower Blog at

The Truth About the Real Estate Industry

Welcome to the Brokers Zone, where I Crystal L. Cox will Be Blowing the Whistle on the Realtors. I am the Real Estate Nark - telling you all about the Secrets that Go on Behind the Closed Doors of your Real Estate Transaction.

MLS Data is Corrupt. Appraisals are NOT Real. E and O insurance has ONE purpose and that is to Protect the Realtor FROM the Real Estate Consumer.

Mortgage Brokers Lie. Realtors Lie. You Do Not Need a Realtor in Your Real Estate Transaction and in Fact using a Realtor in Your Real Estate Transaction Can Cause More Harm than Good. I am an Ex-Realtor - I am a Real Estate Broker Owner and I am TELLING you the Long Awaited TRUTH about the Real Estate Industry.
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