Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc.seems to be a serial plaintiff. Do you have any information on Alan R. Kahn - Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC

Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. seems to be a serial plaintiff. Must be how Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. - makes a living.

Alan R. Kahn is the co-founder of New York investment advisory firm Kahn Brothers & Co. founded in 1978 and doing business today as Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC.

Alan R. Kahn's Firm - Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC - is said to be an employee owned investment manager with approximately $827 million in assets under management.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn primarily provides services to individuals and also manages accounts for pension and profit sharing plans, charitable organizations and corporations.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn invests in value stocks of small-cap and mid-cap companies and employs quantitative and fundamental analysis with a bottom-up stock picking approach.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn typically holds its investments for a period between three years and five years.

Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn left Kahn Brothers & Co. to become a private activist shareholder in a portfolio of companies ? Do you have a Whistleblower tip on Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn or on Kahn Brothers & Co. ?

Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. seems to have made a career out of suing boards of companies via class action and derivative suits, and sponsoring proposals for and against management, is this true?

Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. certainly seems to be a serial plaintiff to me.

It seems that around 60 cases were filed by Kahn Brothers Advisors LLC , Alan R. Kahn in the last 10 years alone, 23 of which were in Delaware Chancery Court.

There seems to be many cases brought by Alan R. Kahn's daughters.

Most of these cases seem to be for breach of fiduciary duty, so is this Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc.'s Specialty ?

Most of the of the Alan R. Kahn Lawsuits / Cases seem to have settled eventually, but some after protracted litigation, it would seem - what is the Real Story on all these Lawsuits over the last decade that Alan R. Kahn has filed?

There seems to be at least one case in which Alan R. Kahn filed for a TRO to enjoin the transaction, is this true? Hmmm.. it seems Alan R. Kahn's motion was denied on this.

Kahn v. Tremont was apparently filed in Delaware Chancery Court in 1991. In it, Alan R. Kahn alleged unfair treatment in connection with Tremont's purchases of NL Industries from Valhi Inc. at a time when Valhi allegedly controlled Tremont and NL Industries.

The case went to trial in 1996, where Alan R. Kahn apparently lost. Alan R. Kahn seems to have appealed to the Delaware Supreme Court, which reversed and remanded apparently because of an error having to do with the burden of persuasion applied at trial.

VC Lamb got the case on remand and opened the record more more evidence. The case settled in 1998. Much more on the Details of this Lawsuit and Every Lawsuit that Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. filed in the last decade.

Do you have a Tip on any of the Serial Lawsuits filed by Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc. ? If so eMail me at

Got a Tip on Alan Kahn Lawsuits, Kahn Brothers Group Inc., ?

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Alan R. Kahn Knows the Investment Business. Seems Alan R. Kahn has a Long History of Filing Lawsuits

Alan R. Kahn - Kahn Brothers Group Inc.

Seems Like Alan R. Kahn loves filing lawsuits


In November 1998, Time magazine devoted nearly a quarter of Donald Bartlett and James Steele's four-part special report on corporate welfare to Seaboard, its subsidies, its treatment of its work force, and its environmental and business crimes. See also Boston Business Journal, February 1993; and Kansas City Star, April 1993.

"In 1990, Alan R. Kahn, a Wall Street investment broker and Seaboard stockholder, filed a lawsuit in Delaware seeking an accounting of the profits earned by the Breskys through their intercompany dealings.

Kahn alleged that the Breskys required Seaboard Corp. to enter into business deals with Seaboard Flour that generated "unlawful profits" for Seaboard Flour. In short, according to Kahn's allegations, the Breskys used their controlling positions in the two companies to move money from the public company to their private business... "


Much More Coming Soon on the Many Lawsuits of Alan R. Kahn of Kahn Brothers Group Inc.,

Do You have a Tip on Alan R. Kahn - Kahn Brothers Group Inc.?
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Alan R. Kahn, Alan Kahn

Alan R. Kahn, Alan Kahn

Request for Congressional Foreclosure Panel - STOP Creating Real Estate Victims - Real Estate Whistleblower

"URGENT need for Lawmakers to take action! Scores of HOMEOWNERS DO NOT CONTEST FORECLOSURES BECAUSE:

1. They don't have knowledge of the law in order to recognize which aspects of foreclosure are legally challengeable or even fraudulent.

2. And even those who identify wrongdoing lack funds to pay for attorneys to represent them.

3. Homeowners are told to come to foreclosure auctions with $$$$$$$ that they do not have, SO THEY STAY AWAY from foreclosure auctions.

These homeowners are oblivious about sometimes "straw buyers" and sometimes lawyers in charge of foreclosures, obtains ILLEGAL ownership of people's homes; and pay literally nothing through "credit bids;" and that those recorded deeds from such auctions are null! For these very reasons, there needs to be a probe of lawyers who file foreclosures.

Also, the average lay person doesn't know about legal REQUIREMENTS of "standing" that prevents their homes from being repossessed via non-existent lenders or via lenders which have no ownership of promissory notes.

Yet, COURTS ARE SUPPOSED TO ENFORCE STANDING and compliance with established laws! Illegal, defective, fraudulent foreclosures are the cause of useless property deeds for real estate sales; title insurance companies refuse coverage on foreclosed properties –and more!

Further, after certain foreclosure auctions (via simulation) result in fraudulent – NOT LENDER ACQUISITIONS, by lawyers or straw buyers, the common scenario becomes property flipping, neighborhood blight, rodents, and so on!

Sample of fraudulent foreclosure acts:

–Deliberately use defunct lenders, lenders without “standing” for false civil and bankruptcy foreclosure proceedings.
– Create and conceal malpractice foreclosure delays and engineer billable litigation.
– Orchestrate sham foreclosure auctions; property never acquired by lenders, but 'straw buyers’

– Commit actionable wrongs (unfair debt collection, fraud, various torts) that create lawsuits
– Self-dealing foreclosures which certain lawyers themselves obtain foreclosed properties for flipping.
–Foreclosures naming defunct lenders, illegally recorded property deeds, flipping, blighted communities.
– Unconscionably create false deficiency judgments against property owners after straw buyers acquire homes for pennies on the dollar.

Intentionally false BANKRUPTCY COURT “Motion to Lift” and “Proof of Claim” on behalf of non-existent lenders which conceals fact of “NON-SECURED” mortgage debt.

–Involved in fraudulent collection of property damage insurance, as well as mortgage-default insurance.
–Fraudulent foreclosures abet loss of property taxes to city revenue, rodents, vagrants
– Thousands of families made unlawfully homeless from null foreclosure proceedings.

*MORE info: Request for Congressional Foreclosure Panel to Examine Foreclosure Lawyers "
Barbara Ann Jackson

Note from Crystal L. Cox: As a Real Estate Broker Owner for 11 years Now.. I Say.. the Banks, Lenders, Mortgage Companies, Association of Realtors.. they ALL knew this was happening and the covered them self, they hid assets... filed corrupt bankruptcies and all the while they got Real Estate Consumers into this Mess Deliberately. Fraudulent MLS Data - Not Policed for Quality Control by Anyone... appraisals from this data that were coming way high and the banks new it .. they allowed 10% and it climbed daily.. NAR lied to consumers in Mass Fraudulent Campaigns to promote buying Real Estate NOW and be sure and us a member of the National Association of Realtors and keeps NAR in business as they continue to lobby to make those loans easier for you to get ... NAR is the TOP of the FOOD Chain in the Foreclosure Fraud Crisis...

Sue NAR in mass Class Action Lawsuits, file Criminal Charges... NAR violates Anti-Trust Laws daily and they are too rich and powerful to be Stopped.. NAR made it easy for these foreclosures.. and when the proverbial SHIT hit the fan.. NAR lobbied for buyers credits and whatever it took to KEEP you buying..

Even though NAR's Chief Economist Lied to you the whole time the Market was Falling.. NO accountability. Time to Break Down the Banks, Time to HOLD Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Attorneys Accountable for their actions and to expose what really happened in the Secondary Mortgage Market.. as so many lost so much and were Flat OUT lied to and have not Recourse..

Enough is ENOUGH
Crystal L. Cox

Also Check Out

Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel aids and abets Criminals and is involved in the Stealing of Inventions.

Bruce Sewell Flat Out Lies and Technology Media Eats it Up .. Cuz Bruce Sewell is a Big Wig at Apple.. So What.. Bruce Sewell is still involved in Massive Shareholder Fraud.

Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel Use to be a Big Player at Intel Corp. as Bruce Sewell was Intel Corps. General Counsel Before being Big Man on Campus over at Apple.

Bruce Sewell new Full Well about the Iviewit Inventors having their Technology Stolen and used by Intel Corp. and Bruce Sewell simply ignored this FACT. I assume that Bruce Sewell Apple General Counsel let APPLE know during his interview process.. what he knew.. because see Bruce Sewell wanted that Apple Job pretty bad.. and Apple . .along with Intel Corp. , Warner Bros., AOL, Sony and many other companies involved in a Massive Shareholder Fraud over the Iveiwit Stolen Patent WELL Apple stands to gain Billions over Keeping this Dirty Little Iviewit Technologies Secret. And who knows what "Payoff" or Dark Alley Deal the Corrupt Attorney Bruce Sewell made with Apple before he got is big ol' Apple Pay Check.

Bruce Sewell is Apple’s general counsel and Bruce Sewell is senior vice president of Legal and Government Affairs at APPLE. Bruce Sewell Reports to Apple’s CEO.

Bruce Sewell serves on the Apple's executive team and oversees all legal matters, including corporate governance, intellectual property, litigation and securities compliance, as well as government affairs.

So Bruce Sewell is a Very Big Deal at Apple and well In my Opinion because I have a Brain and Can Read, Well Bruce Sewell is Corrupt, is involved in Intellectual Property Infringements, Bruce Sewell has participated in cover up a Multi-Trillion Dollar Shareholder Fraud that involves Millions of Innocent Investors and Bruce Sewell is NO where Near One of the Good Guys as Bruce Sewell, in My Opinion STEALS PATENTS.. helps Major Companies like Intel and Apple to easily take inventors patents .. stomp on inventors rights and to raking in Billions .. paying off officials and well Business as usual in the Corrupt "Patent Theft" world of Bruce Sewell.

So we Know that Bruce Sewell left intel under some pretty odd and quick circumstances and well hush .. hush on that right. ?? and we can assume that Bruce Sewell let Apple know of his knowledge of the Iviewit Holdings, Iviewit Technologies Patent Theft and the fact that he knew Intel was using this Stolen Technology and helped them to cover it up.. See this WOULD be a Huge Asset for Corrupt Bruce Sewell to Bring To Apple as their new General Counsel Right? I mean Apple owes Iviewit Huge Royalties as Well Right. .and for over a Decade Now..

So the Apple Responds in Patentgate Bullshit your Reading.. well the TRUTH is APPLE general Council Bruce Sewell is Corrupt and there is NOTHING amiciable about HIM..

Apple Lies About "PatentGate" as Does Bruce Sewell.

So what is the "Real PatentGate" and What Dirty Deeds is Bruce Sewell, Apple General Counsel up to now with the headline of Patentgate.. ??

Got a Tip on PatentGate, or on the Corrupt Activities of D. Bruce Sewell Apple's General Counsel? if so Email me Crystal L. Cox Investigative Blogger at

Check Out these Links for More on the Corruption of Bruce Sewell ~ Apple General Counsel...

Click Here for Proof that Bruce Sewell Knew Full Well of the Iviewit Stolen Technology

Click Here for SEC Complaint Naming Bruce Sewell Apple General Counsel

Also More on the Iviewit Stolen Technology at

Posted Here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox