NAR should be Trying to CLEAN Up the Realtor Image

The National Association of Realtors NEEDS to get busy Doing the Right thing and Policing their member, the Managing Broker, the Broker Owner. NAR needs to ENFORCE Ethics and Standards of Practice.

They have no real auditing system in place, they are Self Policed, they let agents break Ethics over and over. Yet they spend a HUGE amount of man hours WORKING WITH CONGRESS - lobbying and other Effort toward making, creating, suggesting laws to keep Realtors in business and Making darn sure that consumer friendly laws do not make it to the books.

NAR spend over a $100,000 a day to GET THEIR WAY, plenty of money to actual hire people to police their members but NO that is not important to NAR. The do not care about the Quality of the MLS Data, they do not care about Realtors who like to consumers and other Realtors, they do not care about Realtors who FAIL to disclose, they do not care about the Enforcement of the Ethics and Standards of Practice they are so proud of.

NAR claims their agents are NOT violating federal Anti-Trust laws but they do nothing to prevent them from it, to remove their membership for it or to actually make sure. yes We have classes so what.. just because a Realtor learns what they should be doing does not mean that they are actually do it and why would they. No one is REALLY watching.

NAR is to busy convincing the public, brainwashing you to actual follow through with BEING who they say they are. NAR does not NEED to really be who they claim to be in their Massive Advertising campaigns...

No One Makes them..

ALL they have to do is convince you, the Real Estate Public soon to be the Real Estate Victim - to Confince you that they are who they say they are. To convince you that you need them, that they will Protect you in your Real Estate Transaction and that they, NAR members really are of a Higher Standard and then they Get to Stay in Business. This stuff is not true but by the time you find out they Gotcha and then the Real Estate Lawyers get a hold of ya and well YOU LOSE... to bad - so sad... the 3 +years you spend fighting for your life back the Realtor is making plenty more money and leave a wake of Real Estate Victims defensless just like You.
NAR needs to Wake Up.
You Need to Make them Wake up and take responsibility for their actions, for their members. You NEED to make them do what they say they will. You need to make them Be who the Claim to Be.

In quite corners everywhere, sits a Real Estate Victim who has give up, they are not being heard, they are the Real Estate Victim and they are treated as the Criminal. No one is holding the real criminals accountable, no one really believes the Victim and the cycle continues on and on. Time to Get your Story Global, Time to Connect the Dots on NAR and bring all the Real Estate Victims OUT into the Light to Tell What NAR has Done to them. To tell about local Realtor boards who did not hear their cries for help.

I am an EXPERT at Internet Marketing, you do NOT need a Realtor to sell your home, you only NEED You. If you have been mistreated by the Lies NAR is selling email me at and let's get your story online and seen by the WORLD. Time to Tell on the Realtors.

You Awesome - Honest Realtors out there, QUIT ragging on me.... let's expose the bad Realtors, let's change the Real Estate Industry so you can do right by your clients, so you can thrive at your business with full integrity. If the bad Realtors are held accountable, truly held accountable then the Good Realtors will be able to do their job better - often times the bad Realtors are big shots, with Big Money and are part of the Good ol' boys club, and some of those Good Ol' Boys are Gals ... the Good Agents certainly cannot out play them... Time To Speak Up...

my realtor did not explain the exclusive buyer agency in its entirety

This was Search on my Site Today. Check out for more information on this. I have lots of Opinions on Buyers Broker Agreements, Buyers Locating Forms, Buyers Exclusive Agency forms - what every Your Broker is Calling it.

First of All, Never EVER Sign an exclusive buyer agency FORM, this gives your Realtor a Right, by Contract to do NOTHING, to wait for you to find your own real estate to buy and they STILL Get Paid.

Realtors don't explain the form in it's entirety, some say well you have to sign this, it gives me the right to represent you. Or I can't Legally show you property without you signing it, if this is TRUE then the Laws are Again Anti-Consumer and are geared toward ensuring that the Realtor stays in Business and Big Business. your Realtor may believe what NAR tells them about the form or their Accreditated buyes agents class. And in this they may not know the "entirety" to tell you. But most know if they can somehow convince your sign that exclusive buyer agency FORM then they Kinda GOTCHA...

So Remember No Forms are REALLY standard in a way that you HAVE to sign as is, you as a Party to the Contract can change the form, don't sign ANYTHING you don't like. DO NOT listen to a VERBAL explanation that differs from what your reading.... get 3rd party advice that is NOT based on your Real Estate Transaction EVERY happening, you have a Right to Information with Integrity.

More On Buyers Rebate Drama

Your State Governing body may claim that NAR does not influence them but they do. NAR really pushes Mandatory E and O insurance, and the Insurance Company Representative goes to the “Board” or “Commission” with them. the Dept. of Justice Deemed Buyers agents were Legal and Made State Laws change, why were laws so Anti-Consumer to begin with?

I believe it is because NAR pushed, lobbyed and essential control state real estate licensing boards. Why else would a State Real Estate Board or Commission NOT want a Consumer Friendly Buyets REBATE and in Fact make it a Law that you cannot give a Rebate.

this ALL fit in with what NAR wanted until the Dept. of Justice - NAR lawsuit which NAR thinks they Won... they "Settled" they NEVER had to actually admit to how Anti-Conumer NAR really is, how they Reall DO violate anti-trust laws, how they DO NOT promote competition and individualty, NO WAY, they To Parcipate n Boycotts - the do not hold Realtors accountable for this BAD BEHAVIOR so they essential condone and support it.

Billionions of Dollars made it so NAR could KEEP fighting the Dept. of Justice and consumer YOU LOSE, because NAR has more money then the Government Entities that try and STOP them so they drag it out, drag it out and never really have to admit that they know REALTOR are GUILTY of anti-trust Violations and other Nifty Crimes while NAR ignores Broker Owners like me and Real Estate Consumers so they don't have to do anything about it or even admit it is REALLY happening.

NAR Lies... and They Cannot Be STOPPED.... YOU LOSE...

What Happens when you Go to Local Real Estate Board for Help?

Real Estate Boards believe the Realtor over the Consumer… Duh… When you go to a Local Association, local board of Realtors you are NOT heard. Most of the time they just send consumers away, or act like they are sorry but there is NOTHING they can do. Meanwhile they spend hundreds of thousands - yes at the local level to join Real Estate Boards around the United States and March up those Steps in Washington D.C. to lobby to keep banks out of Real Estate and other Self Interest Lobbying of Your Government AGAINST you.
You Just Shut up and Do as NAR Says,
after all they are the VOICE of Real Estate.

As a Realtor, a Broker Owner I went to the Local Board of Realtors to help for Consumers and Was SHUT Down. I have seen, talked to, heard of, been emailed by consumers who are NOT being heard by the Local Board of Realtors. That is not what they are they for.

The Local Association, Board of Realtors is there to support Realtors, to collect monthly dues, to set up databases and spend HUGE money devising new gimics to keep the Public out of the MLS. They are NOT there for you the Real Estate Consumer. What are you thinking? REALTOR is NOT a public entity, they are not a government funded Anything. They do not Have to Listen to your WOES, they do not care and No One makes them care. They claim to be the Voice of Real Estate, you believe their Lies of how you have Better Protection By Using a Realtor, an NAR member and yet when you have been duped, lied to and your life is Forever Changed they cannot, will not hear you at ANY Level of the Association of Realtors. Things that Make you go Hmmmmm… STOP Using NAR members, not all are bad.. No Way… most are Good SO what .. The Good ones can not protect you from what NAR is up to at EVERY level.

Boycott Realtor…

From, Crystal Cox Broker
Ex-NAR member and PROUD OF the Decision to QUIT ...

More Anti-Consumer Laws...

Laws such as the one I am about to Mention PROVES my POINT. State Governing Bodies Protect REALTOR big time.

Here it Is...

"County of Los Angeles Department of Consumer AffairsNew Consumer Laws 2007"

"Real Estate Agents: Can’t Lie About Qualifications

B&P Code Section 10177

Current law provides that willful misuse of trade names, including “realtor”, are subject to discipline by the Real Estate Commissioner by revoking, suspending or denying a license.
This new law strengthens prohibitions against real estate agents from falsely claiming membership in trade organizations or falsely claiming to have special designations or certifications.

This law prohibits knowingly authorizing, directing, or aiding in the publication, advertisement or distribution of any false statement or representation concerning a designation or a certification, including trade organization membership.

The Real Estate Commissioner is authorized to suspend or revoke a real estate sales license for this violation."

Link to Source Below


So this DUMB - Dispicable - Anti Consumer Law makes it so that Realtors cannot use TRADEMARKS of Realtor, makes it so Real Estate Brokers that are not REALTOR - NAR members cannot even use the Word Realtor on there website even if they are talking about a Realtor - an NAR member or they Will Lose their Real Estate License.

Laws Enacted CLEVERLY disguised as Consumer PROTECTION but are obviously one more way to Force you to USE a Realtor, NAR member and to Force Real Estate Brokers to be Realtors but then say it is a Choice to Join NAR - if they cannot in Good Faith make this claim then they are deliberately and obviously violating Anti-Trust Laws.

So If I were a Real Estate Broker in California and used the word Realtor I would be falsley claiming "special designations or certifications"? what a Crock...

Consumers wake Up, State Real Estate Commisisons are FORCING - NAR members on you at the same time NAR is saying it is a Choice for us as Real Estate Brokers to join their "association" - which I call a Real Estate Cartel. And this above information is from the Department of Consumer Affairs - are Governing Bodies really that clueless to the Anti-Consumer tactics of NAR?

So in Los Angeles, If I were licensed their and I said Confession of a Realtor, or Realtor ...., or talk to your Realtor about... , or Realtors are lying to you... well I would lose my Real Estate Brokers license... Tell me NAR does not control State Licensing boards and Real Estate Commissions - and I say that is a Flat Out Lie.
Also NOTE that being a REALTOR is NOT a "Qualification" OF ANY KIND - you pay a fee to join, you Promise to uphold Ethics and Standards of Practice that no ones holds you accountable to - sure you have continuing Education so what you would have that if you were not a NAR member as well - you pay a monthly and yearly fee to be a "Realtor" - it is NOT a Qualification....

the Brian Rodgers challenge

Brian Rodgers says that there is no way I can top him in the search engines for his name. So I take this as a Challenge and am going to give Brian Rodgers a try and Test my Internet Savvy Skills. Brian Rodgers is a Real Estate Coach, Seminer Leader and a site Moderator for Real Estate Forums. Brian Rodgers is a Marketing Guru and Brian Rodgers assists real estate agents in marketing... Brian Rodgers has a Real Estate Marketing and Training Series .... check it out.

So keep an eye out and see how the Brian Rodgers search engine challenge works out...

Crystal L. Cox
Broker Owner..

Obama, and the talk about New and Improved accountability in the Financial Industry..

A Bit more about my Favorite OxyMoron.... "Realtor Accountability".

I highly doubt this has anything to do with NAR, the Realtors.

Does your Government really believe that NAR is the Voice of Real Estate.

The Government licenses us as Real Estate Brokers, and NAR is a Private Company RIGHT? Not a government entity. NAR tells me that real estate agents don’t have to join, they choose to join. Ok then don’t join, but then your NOT the “Voice of Real Estate” and you don’t get to see their secret data .. .. The mysterious MLS.

NAR pretends to have all these Fancy procedures in place, but in the Real World of Real Estate when you take a complaint to the MLS, the local or state association of Realtors they talk you out of it, force you out of it BEFORE you even get started... mostly based on WHO the "bad Realtor" is... NAR has no real accountability system in place across the board... it would be too much time, money, and actual work to really monitor what the Realtors are up to. So NAR just convinces you the Real Estate Consumer that you NEED a Realtor, that a Realtor is of a Higher Standard and will PROTECT you ... when it is a Flat Out Pack of Lies...

All NAR really needs to do is enough Mumbo Jumbo advertising to manipulate you the consumer and they stay in business... and WOW at the same time the new Realtors believe the propaganda to.. and wheeee... we are in business...

MLS data is NOT policed by the Government, those who supposedly watch the banking and mortgage industry, the National Association of Realtors or any other entity that supposedly is looking out for the best interest of the Consumer, the tax paying public.

You are at the Mercy of this Data. Reports, Grants, Statistics, Loans, Secondary Mortgage Markets, …. And many more industries base data and Big Money investing on the Data in the MLS as to what property is supposedly worth. It is all an illusion. And no one even tries to ensure that the data is accurate, inputted right, not fraudulent… in any way… no MLS audit in ANY way.

And you your state real estate boards …. Well they don’t look at the data that is up to the Realtors to Self Police their “industry”. Yet NAR attorneys tell me that I cannot say Realtors as a Synonym for Real Estate Agent or Real Estate Broker.

So really you pretty much have to join their CLUB - NAR or be excluded, boycotted, left out in the cold. NAR has so much money - Your Money (Realtors in the field and Consumers) that they can FIGHT and win in cases such as the Department of Justice trying to prove Anti-Trust Violations. The REALTORS settled, cut a deal and part of that deal was that they never had to admit any wrong doing.

I am here to tell you the REALTORS do, really do Violate Anti-Trust laws, and the Association of Realtors ABOVE those laws…. Money - Clout - Lobby Power… and You, the Real Estate Consumer…. YOU LOSE.

Realtor Accountability is No Where in Site. NAR was a MAJOR player in getting real estate consumers into the mess they are in now.. and so what.. now Realtors specialize in Short Sales / Foreclosure properties. So it is Win Win for the Realtor. NAR said it was a good time to buy.. even though the Supposed "voice of real estate' knew it was NOT a good time to buy. You see they had to Promote the Realtors, and get you the Consumer to think it was a good time to buy... so again... YOU LOSE as Real Estate Consumers.

I with this ACCOUNTABILITY speech we are hearing so much could STOP on NAR's doorstep and make them REALLY - actually accountable for what they have done and continue to do to the real estate consumer, however it looks like NAR and their Billions has no Price to Pay, is above the Law and has no end in site to the damage they will continue to do.

If only there was some way to warn the consumers, warn the Realtors in the Field.. but really THEY believe what NAR tells them too... Sad but True..

The Real Estate Industry is BROKEN at Every Level and the Only way for you to WIN is to know how to Really Protect yourself... I say get Realtors out of your Real Estate Transaction... and Mortgage Brokers along with them.. the Title Company actually closes the deal, a Real Estate Attorney is a Safer bet to Write up your Contracts.... and banks loan money ... so why are you Still buying into the Media ... the Propaganda that you need a Realtor to Sell your real estate?

Selling without a Realtor is EASY and is FREE... just build a FREE website online and go for it... buyers are looking for you...

Stay Informed Folks.. Real Estate is EVERYTHING.
Real Estate is where we LOVE, where we LIVE, where we EAT, where we WATCH our families grow, where we WORK, where we GET WELL... it means everything... it is a Big Deal.. it is OUR WHOLE world... and no one is looking out for you the People, the Consumer who actually has to LIVE in - Dwell in - Work in the Real Estate they buy.... it Really means EVERYTHING...

Greeley Colorado Realtors

This Real Estate post is a Test Post for Greeley Colorado Realtors.

Y and M Real Estate is located in the Greeley Colorado Real Estate Market. Or shall I say (Marc)et .... Greeley Realtor Marc Oster Can help you with your Greeley Colorado Real Estate needs. Y and M Real Estate, part of the Greeley Colorado Realtors Association is your Greeley Colorado Real Estate Professional.

a Real Crime has Been Committed - the Codes of Law Broken - and no one can hold the REALTOR accountable - Why?

the Real Estate Lawsuit - Real Estate Attorneys - the Criminal Code - the Real Estate VICTIM is Treated Very Badly.. and no one is Really out for YOU, the Real Estate Consumer.

What if you Look up the Laws, the Code in your State that Apply to your Case and you file yourself against those who Broke the Law and Hurt you. You can file a complaint on your own behalf right? I am not talking about a complaint with your State Board, though go ahead and walk through that mumbo jumbo also. I am Talking about You Learning how to File a Complaint with the Clerk of Court and Getting Justice by Exposing those who committed fraud... Hmmm.

So Start a blog, Post all the Facts of What has Been Done to You. EXPOSE those who have lied to you and put you through years of Hell. It is not fair that they, the ones who committed the crime get to bob along in their life with no stress, and fearless pretty much.. while you have months to years of sleepless nights with no end in sight.

If you get an attorney, or talk to the Real Estate Industry Folks you will be deemed going after a Frivolous Lawsuit. They don't seem to care the proof you have, when I told the MLS - the local Realtor Association of Fraud, she called the Other Realtor, a C21 agent Broker owner and warned him... hmmm... There really is no end to the Lies, Deception and Fraud in the Real Estate industry.

So if the Attorney won’t really listen to you and is looking for the Quickest way out, meaning the quickest way to the biggest pay check whether it is in the consumers best interest or not then you, the real estate consumer are forced to find a better way.

If the real estate attorney does not really know what goes on in the real estate transaction between REALTORS and their real estate consumers , I have seen this first hand - so when this happens consumers have no where to turn and are left at the mercy of attorneys that treat them badly. And from what I have seen of the arrogance, lack of knowledge, the I am so busy attitude, the talking down to the client (real estate consumer) and getting paid big bucks to do it while treating you very bad along the way.. there is no end in sight. You need to know what to do to take matters into your own hands.

I have seen real estate attorney who buddy up with real estate attorneys on the “other side” even in known and proven fraud cases. Attorneys make deals behind your back, decide what you NEED - Deserve or Can Live with and who will get let off in “your” case. From what I have seen it is most of the Time the Realtor, the Realtor who committed Fraud, Lied, Failed to Disclose on many, many proven levels.

I have seen real estate attorneys who were clueless about what the Title Company has in a real estate file that could prove fraud, deliberate fraud against a Realtor. They don’t seem to believe that a title company could secretly protect a Realtor that brought them lots and lots of money. Real Estate Attorneys know more about the law supposedly then Realtors do, however, they don’t memorize all the laws - of course especially in Rural Areas when the attorney has to diversify what cases they take. Could be Murder today and Real Estate Fraud tomorrow.

In this when you bring them you real estate case, which represents your life, they have to look up and they decide which law is best to “go for”. Many laws may apply to your case, but the trick is which one is the quickest, easiest and with the least amount of stress and hassle to the Real Estate Attorney? That is Where Their Head is At.

Though State law may say that in cases of fraud, non-disclosure and a seller and Realtor lying to you, that you are entitled to the difference Between What you thought You were buying and What you got, plus all fees - out money it took to prove this. The attorney will decide if you deserve this and the attorneys negotiate back and forth on your supposed behalf, when really they are looking for a quick pay check.

You Give them this job and they say things like “If I don’t feel good about you I can’t fight for You”. And other wonderful lines .. The bottom line is they took a VERY good case and they are making VERY good money on a case that you had already proven for them.

The Real Estate attorneys decides what is “Good Enough” for you, what you can live with or "deserve" and they do this with the attorney on the other side of case and supposedly in your behalf.

They decide how long a “party” to the lawsuit gets to answer disclosure questions, and give them time to hide their assets. They decide if they will place a lien of any kind on personal property and they keep you in the dark for months to years while they do as they please. And you are to SHUT up, Listen up and do as they say. And you have no Choice but to sit back and take it, your whole life is at stake. You never get back the years of stress, rarely get back all out money and What you Deserve and THEY.. well they win. This is not right or fair and the real estate industry needs a make over at every single level.

The Real Estate Attorney, though I advocate using one for your closing to ensure protection Contractual Wise, they are not looking out for the real estate consumer any better then the Realtors are.

The Attorney keeps you in fear, they become your last hope, your life delicately in their hands.. You MUST Roar - Fight Back if they are not doing as you ask them to then file bar grevience against them.

Attorneys know right where they have you and if you don’t do as they want you to, and things get tense, they push you around and treat you badly, well then you fire them taking matters into your own hands and then the next attorney is leary, then the next … they look at you as “the Problem” - as a Loose Cannon when in Truth you’re the one being treated badly, kept in the dark, held back, controlled, lied to… by your TEAM that you, yourself hired to help you in your hour of need. They make BIG - Big Money and you Pay in Many - MANY ways and oftentimes for years on end.

This is simply another piece of why I feel that there is no system in place to Provide Real Consumer protection for the real estate consumer. You, as a Consumer have no way to show your Proof and to get justice of any kind. You have to Fight, to Pay, to Endure years of stress, to be humiliated and treated badly and oftentimes for years.. It ruins your life as you once new it and No One is Listening.

I Am listening…

Here is Something Else to Think about..

What About you Looking up the Laws in Your state, the Criminal Code, and the Procedure of enacting it. And you filing a complaint against those who committed fraud, without a real estate attorney. Why not start by filing charges, complaints not with just the state licensing board and the local MLS office who is not really listening but with the clerk of court. If they broke the law start a blog POST your proof, post the law they broke, post any evidence you have, file complaints with every agency though they are not listening (including the BBB - more on that later). And file a Complaint .. Learn much more about this.. Why not do this first and let things settle out before the attorney is on the payroll.

Deception, Fraud, Lies, Silent Fraud, Failed Disclosure, Flat Out Lies - this is FRAUD, it is Illegal, this is a Conspiracy, it is a Cartel keeping you down, and it is Morally and Ethically Wrong on every level.

If your Real Estate Attorney Does not Listen to Your Wishes, don’t get scared and just do as they want for fear you will lose everything, face them directly tell them what you want. Read the laws that apply - if they won’t go for those laws, then you yourself must file a Complaint, a Civil Lawsuit, a Fraud Complaint… don’t take the way they treat you lying down.

You know have an Advocate, ME, I get what your going through. Let’s Stand UP together and fight for your rights to an Honest, Fair Real Estate Transaction where the Real Estate Consumer Wins…
You Deserve Better then NAR and the Current System in Place in the Real Estate Industry is Giving You.
It is not Right or Fair in Any way when you have been lied to and a crime has been committed to you and the Attorney you choose treats you like the criminal and talks to you worse then those on the other side of your lawsuits. If you switch attorneys they make you, the consumer feel like your the problem, oh you keep switching, you must be "difficult".
They tell you they are going to look up the best - cheapest approach at your lawsuit but in the Real World of Real Estate what they do is look for the best, quickest way for them to get the most money. And they talk down to you and keep you in the dark along the way.

Do Realtors Create Distressed Sellers ?

Realtors do Lie. Realtors Create Distressed Sellers?
You cannot Trust that a Realtor is Really telling you about
all interested buyers or even all offers.

What if your Realtor actually lies about offers, don't tell you that there is interest and drags you out for months to years to makes it seem like no one wants the place. Then they drive the price down by telling you that no one is interested, it is just the market the price is too high.. when really they got interest but don't want you to know about it.

Or they get you to lower the price saying it is market when really it is because they do not know how to market on the internet and actually get your real estate for sale found where buyers are looking for it.

Just Sell without a Realtor.
Get found on the Internet Where Real Estate
Buyers are Looking for Real Estate Sellers
and Cut out the drama.

You Sign the Listing agreement and everything changes, what DO you Do? Do you have ANY rights?

Is your Realtor forcing you to stay in a real estate listing agreement that you don't want to be in?

The Realtor promised certain marketing, promised to keep in touch with you and has failed, you want to FIRE them but your bound by the Realtor FORMS that are Intended to Protect the Realtor. How Do you Get Out?

Stomp your Feet, throw a Tantrum, DEMAND your Rights... Do not let the REALTOR run you over... Email me at and let's get your story heard. It is Unethical to keep you bound to this agent when you are unhappy for ANY reason... r

Getting Out of a Real Estate Listing r

It is your Basic Right.r

If the Realtor does not hold up their end of the contract then demand to get out.
The problem is that the Contract, the Form is there to Protect the Realtor from you and your Frivolous Behavior. So... BEFORE you sign the listing, make a provisional form that says that if for any reason you are not satisfied with the Realtor's behavior or performance, the Real Estate Brokerages performance that you can cancel the contract at any time. The Real Estate listing is designed to tie the real estate consumer to it, but leaves no real, easy, cut and dried way to get the Real Estate Client - Customer out of the deal.
It is unlawful, immoral, unjust, and seriously unethical to hold you to HAVE to work with this REALTOR no matter how bad they treat you after they convinced you to SIGN HERE.
You Have Rights .. the Real Estate INDUSTRY.. the Realtors .. no longer have Cart Blanch to do as they please to the real estate consumer... now they answer to YOU.. they answer to ME.. Expose them.. Demand Your Rights to be treated with dignity and respect in your real estate transaction.. Before - During and After your Real Estate Transaction..


What Does a Real Estate Broker Know ? Does a Broker Owner Know more then a Regular Broker?

I think that the Real Estate Industry, the Realtor, is a Big Hoax, an Illusion and they don't want you to know that you don't need a Realtor to Sell your Real Estate. NAR wants you to "Believe" you need a Realtor and they put millions into advertising to make sure you keep buying into their lies. They want you to believe that using a Realtor offers you better protection in your Real Estate Transaction.

They want, they need you to believe that they are "of a Higher Standard", to believe that real estate is soooo complicated you just have to use a Real Estate Agent, and not just any agent but an Agent of Really GOOD education, Ethics and High Standards a Real Estate agent that Boldly (Supposedly) chose to join the National Association of Realtor.
You Do NOT need a Realtor, you simply need to get internet marketing, your Realtor does not really get internet marketing because they are buying into what NAR is telling them and it is NOT true. NAR teaches, trains Realtors on Internet Marketing that results in NAR or one of their cronies getting PAID... so everyone's hands are out and YOU, the Real Estate Consumer, Well You lose.
Many want to believe that it is Easier to List with a Realtor so they do, however the Stress, the time, the out money is greater when you use a Realtor though in the begining it may not seem that way. And should something Nasty arise in the future well the Realtor "Standard Forms" ensures that the Realtor is protected From you.

A Real Estate Broker is NOT trained in what the Real Estate Consumer thinks they are or the Consumer expects them to be. The "Realtors" courses are in NO WAY good enough to really protect the real estate consumer in the Real World of Real Estate. They teach us VERY basic stuff, and it is mostly to protect us from you. And it Works Good.

They want you to believe that we are taught Contract Law, for REAL.. yet the few sentences and terms we learn in that one week real estate school could in NO WAY help us to keep our real estate consumers out of trouble. It is all an Illusion and you need to STOP buying into it. Keep your Money, don't take the abuse I see daily that "some" Realtors do to there Real Estate Consumer. Make a Stand, Demand your Rights, Sell without an NAR member. They are NOT of a Higher Standard.

Take it from a Real Estate Industry Insider, a Real Estate Broker Owner, a Real Estate Whistleblower who QUIT the Association of Realtors due to their lies, their lack of really being able to enforce Ethics or even trying and they cartel ways that push their products, marketing and advertising on us while at the same time selling us courses to better our education and we still don't know what we really need to.

Knowledge is Power.

You Deserve Better then NAR is Dishing OUT.
Don't believe their Ads, their Games, their Recruiting..

It is All Lies and Illusions...

How DO you get Out of a Real Estate Listing ? Hey.. if you don't want to be STUCK with that REALTOR .. it is not fair to MAKE you.. FIGHT..

Is your Realtor forcing you to stay in a real estate listing agreement that you don't want to be in?

The Realtor promised certain marketing, promised to keep in touch with you and has failed, you want to FIRE them but your bound by the Realtor FORMS that are Intended to Protect the Realtor. How Do you Get Out?

Stomp your Feet, throw a Tantrum, DEMAND your Rights... Do not let the REALTOR run you over... Email me at and let's get your story heard. It is Unethical to keep you bound to this agent when you are unhappy for ANY reason...

Getting Out of a Real Estate Listing

It is your Basic Right.

If the Realtor does not hold up their end of the contract then demand to get out.
The problem is that the Contract, the Form is there to Protect the Realtor from you and your Frivolous Behavior. So... BEFORE you sign the listing, make a provisional form that says that if for any reason you are not satisfied with the Realtor's behavior or performance, the Real Estate Brokerages performance that you can cancel the contract at any time. The Real Estate listing is designed to tie the real estate consumer to it, but leaves no real, easy, cut and dried way to get the Real Estate Client - Customer out of the deal.
It is unlawful, immoral, unjust, and seriously unethical to hold you to HAVE to work with this REALTOR no matter how bad they treat you after they convinced you to SIGN HERE.
You Have Rights .. the Real Estate INDUSTRY.. the Realtors .. no longer have Cart Blanch to do as they please to the real estate consumer... now they answer to YOU.. they answer to ME.. Expose them.. Demand Your Rights to be treated with dignity and respect in your real estate transaction.. Before - During and After your Real Estate Transaction..


Water Rights - What do you Really Need to Know... You May Be Buying a War like you have Never Before Experienced

Water Rights can be a Major issue in buying real estate. Water Rights issues are bigger - way bigger then the piece of paper that says whether you have water rights or not.

The Law is seemingly irrelevant, what really matter is what your real life will be like after you buy, will your neighbor prevent you from actually using this right, will you fight in court for years to get your neighbor to STOP what they are doing to prevent your water flow, only to have them sneak in and do it again?
Check in with the Rumor Mill
Talk to Neighbors, other area landowners
Find OUT More BEFORE you BUY..

Do Realtors Create Distressed Sellers?