More On Buyers Rebate Drama

Your State Governing body may claim that NAR does not influence them but they do. NAR really pushes Mandatory E and O insurance, and the Insurance Company Representative goes to the “Board” or “Commission” with them. the Dept. of Justice Deemed Buyers agents were Legal and Made State Laws change, why were laws so Anti-Consumer to begin with?

I believe it is because NAR pushed, lobbyed and essential control state real estate licensing boards. Why else would a State Real Estate Board or Commission NOT want a Consumer Friendly Buyets REBATE and in Fact make it a Law that you cannot give a Rebate.

this ALL fit in with what NAR wanted until the Dept. of Justice - NAR lawsuit which NAR thinks they Won... they "Settled" they NEVER had to actually admit to how Anti-Conumer NAR really is, how they Reall DO violate anti-trust laws, how they DO NOT promote competition and individualty, NO WAY, they To Parcipate n Boycotts - the do not hold Realtors accountable for this BAD BEHAVIOR so they essential condone and support it.

Billionions of Dollars made it so NAR could KEEP fighting the Dept. of Justice and consumer YOU LOSE, because NAR has more money then the Government Entities that try and STOP them so they drag it out, drag it out and never really have to admit that they know REALTOR are GUILTY of anti-trust Violations and other Nifty Crimes while NAR ignores Broker Owners like me and Real Estate Consumers so they don't have to do anything about it or even admit it is REALLY happening.

NAR Lies... and They Cannot Be STOPPED.... YOU LOSE...

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