my realtor did not explain the exclusive buyer agency in its entirety

This was Search on my Site Today. Check out for more information on this. I have lots of Opinions on Buyers Broker Agreements, Buyers Locating Forms, Buyers Exclusive Agency forms - what every Your Broker is Calling it.

First of All, Never EVER Sign an exclusive buyer agency FORM, this gives your Realtor a Right, by Contract to do NOTHING, to wait for you to find your own real estate to buy and they STILL Get Paid.

Realtors don't explain the form in it's entirety, some say well you have to sign this, it gives me the right to represent you. Or I can't Legally show you property without you signing it, if this is TRUE then the Laws are Again Anti-Consumer and are geared toward ensuring that the Realtor stays in Business and Big Business. your Realtor may believe what NAR tells them about the form or their Accreditated buyes agents class. And in this they may not know the "entirety" to tell you. But most know if they can somehow convince your sign that exclusive buyer agency FORM then they Kinda GOTCHA...

So Remember No Forms are REALLY standard in a way that you HAVE to sign as is, you as a Party to the Contract can change the form, don't sign ANYTHING you don't like. DO NOT listen to a VERBAL explanation that differs from what your reading.... get 3rd party advice that is NOT based on your Real Estate Transaction EVERY happening, you have a Right to Information with Integrity.

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