They want, they need you to believe that they are "of a Higher Standard", to believe that real estate is soooo complicated you just have to use a Real Estate Agent, and not just any agent but an Agent of Really GOOD education, Ethics and High Standards a Real Estate agent that Boldly (Supposedly) chose to join the National Association of Realtor.
A Real Estate Broker is NOT trained in what the Real Estate Consumer thinks they are or the Consumer expects them to be. The "Realtors" courses are in NO WAY good enough to really protect the real estate consumer in the Real World of Real Estate. They teach us VERY basic stuff, and it is mostly to protect us from you. And it Works Good.
They want you to believe that we are taught Contract Law, for REAL.. yet the few sentences and terms we learn in that one week real estate school could in NO WAY help us to keep our real estate consumers out of trouble. It is all an Illusion and you need to STOP buying into it. Keep your Money, don't take the abuse I see daily that "some" Realtors do to there Real Estate Consumer. Make a Stand, Demand your Rights, Sell without an NAR member. They are NOT of a Higher Standard.
Take it from a Real Estate Industry Insider, a Real Estate Broker Owner, a Real Estate Whistleblower who QUIT the Association of Realtors due to their lies, their lack of really being able to enforce Ethics or even trying and they cartel ways that push their products, marketing and advertising on us while at the same time selling us courses to better our education and we still don't know what we really need to.
Knowledge is Power.
You Deserve Better then NAR is Dishing OUT.
Don't believe their Ads, their Games, their Recruiting..
It is All Lies and Illusions...
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