You Sign the Listing agreement and everything changes, what DO you Do? Do you have ANY rights?

Is your Realtor forcing you to stay in a real estate listing agreement that you don't want to be in?

The Realtor promised certain marketing, promised to keep in touch with you and has failed, you want to FIRE them but your bound by the Realtor FORMS that are Intended to Protect the Realtor. How Do you Get Out?

Stomp your Feet, throw a Tantrum, DEMAND your Rights... Do not let the REALTOR run you over... Email me at and let's get your story heard. It is Unethical to keep you bound to this agent when you are unhappy for ANY reason... r

Getting Out of a Real Estate Listing r

It is your Basic Right.r

If the Realtor does not hold up their end of the contract then demand to get out.
The problem is that the Contract, the Form is there to Protect the Realtor from you and your Frivolous Behavior. So... BEFORE you sign the listing, make a provisional form that says that if for any reason you are not satisfied with the Realtor's behavior or performance, the Real Estate Brokerages performance that you can cancel the contract at any time. The Real Estate listing is designed to tie the real estate consumer to it, but leaves no real, easy, cut and dried way to get the Real Estate Client - Customer out of the deal.
It is unlawful, immoral, unjust, and seriously unethical to hold you to HAVE to work with this REALTOR no matter how bad they treat you after they convinced you to SIGN HERE.
You Have Rights .. the Real Estate INDUSTRY.. the Realtors .. no longer have Cart Blanch to do as they please to the real estate consumer... now they answer to YOU.. they answer to ME.. Expose them.. Demand Your Rights to be treated with dignity and respect in your real estate transaction.. Before - During and After your Real Estate Transaction..


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